Saturday 27 February 2021

Saikyou Kenja no Kosodate Nikki - Ch 12 Part 1

Translated by: Gsekka

Part 2 Tonight.


A year later, my daughter has became a fine little lady.

She grew up to be a lovely around 12 years old girl.

She had her quirky blonde hair braided up by Chloe.

Wearing a white dress and sitting on her birthday's seat.

Today is the day she was born, and she will be an actual two years old.

Then, is it enough to put two candles on the large strawberry shortcake that I had prepared?

Let's ask the ladies.

First, I tried to ask my Shishō, Iris, But she took the lead from me.

"By the way, on my birthday cake it is always 17 piece"

Since then, she will only says 17 piece.

But is it alright not to count by the months? I ask her, alas, she only says 17 piece.

Well, regardless of the number of months, baking a cake with more than 1200 piece of candles can be a daunting task even for a confectioner. Then I say " I shall put only 17 piece of candle on Shishō's birthday" which give her a satisfying look.

Next it was Chloe who open her mouth, She states with common sense.

"Fiona-sama actual age is two years old, but her appearance is that of a preteen. Besides, Fiona-sama will enrolls in Leangrad Magic Academy as a 12-year-old child. Shouldn't we have 12 candles set up here?"

Chloe suggests that, which may be the safest option.

In the first place, my daughter Fiona hasn't been told about her own age.

Immediately after birth, she began to grow up five times faster, quickly becoming a five-year-old child, and then in a year she grew up to be a 12-year-old who could call herself a lady.

It wasn't strange for her to felt a slight doubt about her body.

No, well. she has been blatantly asking about it recently.

"Nee, Daddy, maybe I am not an ordinary child?"

Like that――

Every time I was in trouble on how to response.

According to Shishō, this rapid growth is about to settle down and grow at the same rate as a normal human being, but how should I explain to her about the blank time when she grew up from 5 to 12 years old in a year?

"Should I lie to explain that she had lost her memory?"

Shishō shakes her head at my words.

"It's too half-assed and above all, you suck at lying."

"Chloe thinks so too."

Denied the ladies.

"Then how about 'if you live in this building, the flow of time will change." just like that? This is a space full of special magic power that even a witch who has lived for thousand of years claim to be 17 years old. Surely it will be credible-- "

My words was stopped halfway because a certain witch send her glare to me. She glared me with the expression that if she met God, kill the God, if she met the Holy Spirit, bisect the Holy Spirit, and if she met the evil spirit, beat it to death.

I clear my throat lightly and revoke my statement.

"Now that I think about it, it's a mass of contradictions. Because many ordinary people also work in this building."

Saying that to escape my Shishō's gaze, Chloe and I twist our heads.

To hide from Fiona that she is a homunculus. At least until she became a sensible adult, or until the need for it arrive is what I had in mind.

However, while we can hide about her being homunculus, her unique physical characteristics is not something that can be hidden.

"Well now, what should I do...? "

While I was in dilemma, Shishō began to laugh out loud.


Opening her mouth widely while putting her hand on her waist, it was so loud that's its not suitable for this strange-aged women.

"Is something strange...?"

I replied in annoyance, and she replied with a logical argument.

"No, there are three adults gathered, with two of whom are called wise men, for them to be troubled by some trivial matter, how laughable!."


I showed a bitter smile.

While staring into space for a moment, I made up my mind. 

"--Okay, I decided. I'll tell her the truth."

Monday 22 February 2021

Saikyou Kenja no Kosodate Nikki - Ch 11 part 2

Translated by: Gsekka

When I was little, I was picked up and raised by the witch in front of me.

After that, I became a student at the Leangrad magic School, where she was teaching at the time. There, I learned magic and became a mage.

It was obvious that she was aiming for the second coming of it.

At this time, "I don't want my daughter to be a mage." Don't spout out selfish lines like that.

Said my shishō to take control of the situation.

"Not everyone that becomes a mages will end up like me. They can be a person like you who avoids murder, and after getting a qualification as a mages, some girls get married, some become librarians in the magic library, and some people also become medical mages."

The point is, it depends on what you have in mind, about what is a mage, concludes her.

"In other words while I become a teacher at Leangrad, I will have my daughter learn there, that's what it means? Certainly, if it Leangrad, neither the empire nor the Holy Church can touched it."

'You really though about this, huh' I am not gonna say that, though.

It's because I didn't think about this method either.

The Leangrad Magic Academy is located between the empire and a territory that borders the republic.

The republic is the only country with the force to compete with the empire, and it is at the top of my list of asylum destinations.

It was a country that has fought for supremacy with the empire for many years. And between the empire and the republic there exist a small country. That is the Principality of Leangrad.

The Principality of Leangrad, as the name implies, is a country governed by the Grand Duke.

However, that title was not received from the empire, as its origin is way older.

It is also known as a major power country of magic, and has a powerful army of mages, whose armed forces are regarded by both the empire and the republic.

The fact that it exists between the two countries and manages to maintains independence proves the extraordinariness of the Principality of Leangrad.

While creating a presence that cannot be underestimated by both countries and other major powers, Leanngrad has never made a noticeable behavior and has maintained its independence for thousands of years.

It has declared permanent neutrality and kept the interference between the two countries away.

Therefore, the Leangrad Magic School has developed as the best school of magicians.

Regardless of the place of origin or birth, It's accepted many human resources and have made a name as a prestigious school of magic.

"Leangrad Magic School, huh..."

I unconsciously muttered that name again.

"Are you reluctant?"

"It's not like that, rather I am thankful for the condition."

If you put an end to that word, it will be a complement.

"Setting aside whether me being a teacher is suitable not, its the best condition for my daughter. she will have the opportunity to study at a prestigious school and make friends of the same age."

"Then, will you raise your hands and agree?"

"...Whether or not my daughter will eventually become a magician, it's not a bad educational environment."

But still...

"The Leangrad Magic School is a prestigious school. The written exams are difficult, and you must have a talent as magician. And above all you also must have connections."

"There's no need to worry about the connections, even like this I am still a former teacher. and even now I am still lending my name to the director."

"Age is also an issue. I'm sure Leangrad could only be enrolled from the age of 10."

"That will be settled by time. You only have to stay at my house for about a year. During that time, that child will grow up to about 10 years old. In that year, you can prepare for the written exam."

"It is easy to say. but you'd know how difficult it was right, the exams over there."

It makes me laugh unintentionally, but what is more worrisome is her talent as a magician. There is nothing I can do about this.

Theory can be learned from two of the world's best wiseman, but only the magical talent can't be helped.

That's because magic is about skill and at the same time, talent.

Even if you teach a spell to an untalented person, magic will not work unless you have magic power in your body. In my opinion, my daughter, Fiona, has no magical talent.

I can't find any sparkling of magical power on her body.

On the other hand, my Shishō seems to disagree with that opinion.

"That girl is a homunculus. She is a dwarf in the flask. There is no reason why such a girl has a hundred of talents now. She will surely blossom her talent in the near future."

"Any proof why you so sure about that?"

"Of course. That girl is your daughter and my niece. I'm sure she has an extraordinary talent."

The witch smiled with such conviction, And her conviction was right on mark.

A month later, after I started staying at this mansion and preparing for the entrance examination of the Leangrad Magic Academy, my daughter's magic has awakened.

That was exactly when I went out shopping in the city.

The incident happened when I returned to the Seymour's mansion after visiting the bookstores to buy a textbook for the exams preparation.

When Chloe took her eyes off for a second, she 'Fiona' climbed onto a tree in the garden of Seymoar's mansion. Climbing a tree itself was done energetically, but the problem was it's height.

She climbed the giant elm tree without thinking ahead.

The tree is about 10 meters. And the reason she climbed was a very Fiona-like reason.

She climbed onto the tree in an attempt to return the little bird chicks that had fallen, into it's original location.

Then I mustn't give her scolding for doing this.

...That's what I thought.

In fact, I couldn't even scold her when I got report that she has fallen.

My Shishō even praise her for doing so.

"O Fiona, well done." using that kind of praise.

That's because my daughter, Fiona was unharmed when she fell from the top of the tree.

She awakened her magic and used it to protect herself.

She activate the magic "Fly" that we didn't even teach her to protect her body from the fall.

And from the next day, she started flying around after getting permission from me.

As she immediately brings in a difficult task.

"umm, The kitten can't get off from a high place."

she smiles and asks for a flight permit.

Of course, I couldn't refuse.

I was preparing to cast support magic under her just in case, but it was no use.

With the second activation, she perfectly mastered the magic of "Fly".

I stare at my daughter stroking a kitten with mixed feelings.

And a Shishō who stares at me with a grin.

Apparently, as she predicted, my daughter has a magic talent.

I got no choice but to admit it.

Anyway, the path of me and my daughter was decided in this way.

When she is about 10 years old in height and weighs, we forges her documents and sends it to the Leangrad Witchcraft School as a "human."

And I will be the "teacher" there.

It seems that it is the best, or rather, this is only one way left.

I decided to receive the cat from my daughter who came down from a high place as if she melted into the wind.

By the way, the kitten was a black cat.

The black cat living in the witch's house is said to be a symbol of good luck.

I hope the Leangrad magic School will be a happy place for me and my daughter.

While thinking like that, I kept stroking the kitten.

The kitten meowed, "Nyaa", whether or not it knew my feelings.

Saikyou Kenja no Kosodate Nikki - Ch 11 Part 1

Translated by : Gsekka

Part 2 will out tonight. 

"Now, let's talk about my dear niece's path."

His Shishō, Iris Seymour. A strange-aged woman. while rearranged her legs in front of me, cut to the case.

The Mirodin's witch asks me with her bewitching smile.

"First of all, you think of that girl as your own daughter. That's no doubt about it, right?"

"I am honestly though her as my own daughter. Even if we're not connected by blood ."

"Blood is thicker than water, but bond is deeper than the bottom of the sea, something like that?"

"That's right. Now I can only think about the happiness of my daughter."

"I never though, You, who were expected for the future and promised status as Great Sage, but abandoned it and ran away from worldly affairs, would utter such a worldly lines."

Shishō then laughs with a self-deprecation.

"Honestly. If the me from two years ago know, I bet I would be really surprised."

"You will not easily believe it, That's just how much of a research-idiot you are. Well, maybe it's because of your dislike to secular world?

"...I am aiming to be a Research-idiot character by myself"

"No, you just someone who pretended to dislike secular world and immerse yourself in research. you're Just a man who's doing research because you'd obtained an immortal body, and had a lot of free time to waste."

"You really assert me highly, huh."

"Of course I am, do you know how much I missed your talent. If you are seriously walking on the path of a wiseman, Around this time you will be the seventh Great Sage. No, you be an existence that will lead this world as the leading Great Sage.

"That just to exaggerated..."

"That's still to humble"

Shishō let out a sighs.

"...Your magic power and talent surpasses me. Even If, right now you start to aim for the top as a mage, you will be able to gain the strength to surpass even me in a blink of an eye. "

" means I will be the strongest in the world."

"That's what it means to surpass me."

"Then it's impossible. I can't surpass my Shishō."

"A Shishō is something that can always be surpassed by a disciple. It's a classic story."

She then breathe out, and said, "well...that's one case is fine" and end it.

"Well, at this point in time I don't want you to be my successor anymore, and I'm not telling you to change your point of view, because being my successor means getting your hand drenched with a lot of people blood."

Certainly, there was an option to become her successor without me confining myself doing research in the mountains.

Just like her, being covered with profanity, and use the magic I'd learned inside the human society.

Just like her, to serve a court somewhere and use my magic power in actual battles.

However, I felt that kind of path is not suitable for me.

No, it's definitely not suitable.

There are some people that just not suitable for it.

I don't want to use magic as a weapon of war. I don't want to use it as a tool for political disputes.

It's true that there was such emotion inside me.

However, even if I said it now, it will only bring trouble.

That's how I lived for hundreds of years. I couldn't change my way of life anymore.

I apologize while bowing my head.

"I see....Then, there was never an option to become a court mage or become a military mage――."

"That kind option is not suitable for me."

It was useless when I tried it once a long time ago. And It won't change over the course of hundreds of years.

On the contrary, it may have been more deteriorated.

Due to the existence of Fiona, I became disgusted of killing people with magic.

I'm truly sorry, but I can't walk on same path as her.

That's how I declared, but her expression didn't cloud whatsoever.

"Well, People have this things called destiny. There's woman like me, that's even if being called blood-stained witch doesn't raise an eyebrows, while some gentlemen like my disciples, are merciful even to the leeches that suck his blood. Even then, the world is still going be fine. Even if you force a change now, you won't get good results."

Declared her. then she strips off the notepad on the bulletin board.

Without standing up, without casting any spells.

If it a simple magic, she doesn't need to chant, or even need to move.

The notepad peeled off itself as if it had a will, and headed for the trash can.

"I wanted you to migrate to some country and receive asylum as a court magician there, but that plans came to nought, huh."

Reveal her muttering to herself.

Nearly half of the notepads were peeled off. Or maybe that was the best way, to guarantee the safety of me and Fiona.

Asylum in the empire's enemies will at least protect us from the devil's hands of the empire and the Holy Church.

I can also train my strength as a military mage to protect myself and Fiona from enemies. That way I may be able to gain the power to protect Fiona from evil clutches.

Maybe I've abandoned my Shishō's best move, but even then, she still doesn't abandon me.

She looks into my eyes with her scorching red eyes.

It feels like being sees through by a witch, but still, I doesn't look away from her.

Did she found out my aptitude with that magic eye?

She strips off a note on the bulletin board and gives it to me.

"This is..?"

"Probably the best path you should take"

I terrifiedly take a peek into the notepad.

If she said it's the best, then there was no other choice, that's what it means. I trusted the eyes of Shishō and her abilities to judge people.

What was written there was the name of a certain magic academy.

"Leangrad Magic School"

It was a nostalgic name. As this was my alma mater.

Friday 19 February 2021

Saikyou Kenja no Kosodate Nikki - Ch 10

Translated by: Gsekka


Entering the study.

Inside, there was a single woman sitting on a chair.

She sat in her elaborate chair while crossing her legs.

And she wears a strangely exposing outfit.

Whatever magic is, it's the art of manipulating the providence of nature, and the correct appearance of a mage was to expose their skin to the outside air as much as possible, that is her theory.

Therefore, from the very first time we met, she was always dressed in clothes that were difficult for one's eyes.

Also, the person herself aware of the true value of her beauty.

She seems to be familiar with the charm of her own body, and was good at deliberately crossing her legs and playing with the man's gaze with her lustrous appearance.

However, that scheme doesn't work for me.

Certainly, the beauty of this witch deserved special attention.

The bright red hair and eyes that look like they are dyed with fresh blood are very attractive, and the faint scent that makes you feel magical.

However, the age of this witch is 1000+ 200 years old.  

No matter how attractive she looked, when you think about it there's something that a let-down.

There's no way I could see someone over 200 years old of my age as romance targets.

When I think so, she, Iris Seymour had a moody look on her.

"A herbivorous as always. Because it's been decades since my foolish disciple had visited, I even spend time to dress oneself up."

"I admire Shishō just like my own sister. I can't see a family member like that."

"Love is more exciting as there are more obstacles. Forbidden love between a big sister and younger brother. Isn't it hot?"

"I don't have such a hobby!" exclaimed me, but Shishō bent her mouth, saying,"well, that's ok."

"If I was told that I couldn't be a love target because of my age, I would be hurt, but if I was told that I was like a sister, I don't mind. It's true that I raised you like my real brother."

"I am really grateful for that. By the way, it's been a thousand years since I met Shishō. At first, I never thought I'd have such a long lasting relationship."

"... Just now, did you emphasize the number 1000 ? Did you count your age and my age at the same time?"

Said Shishō, getting a little irritated.

I asked her while being amazed.

"Shishō. It's been decades since we seen each others, but are you still worried about your age? Excuse me, but after counting over 100 years old, I feel like there's an error ... ... "

"Error? About what? You have to count your age properly. By the way, I'm not over 100 years old."

"... well, Shishō, when I first met Shishō, I was about 13. It's been over a thousand years since then, so at least a Millennium is over――"

She forcibly interrupts my words.

"What are you talking about? I'm only 17 years old?"

"Well, 17 is a bit ..."

"No, I'm 17. I'm 17 years old and 14196 months old. "A maiden in the first flush of youth" is probably indicating a girl like me."

"T-ten thousand..."

It's a well-calculated one. Or maybe she always counting in case of a situation like this?

With an attitude that balances her arrogance and irreverence, She boldly claims that she is 17 years old.

"Hah ..." and breathe lightly.

This witch is always like this.

Well, even like this Shishō is still a woman. She wouldn't like a gentleman to discuss her age unnecessarily. And treating her as a 17-year-old maiden works well.

I could have shouted out her actual age (which I only know because I've known her for many years) and pointed out that she was reading the orbit of the moon for hundreds of months, but even if I did that It doesn't mean anything.

Well, in the first place it doesn't make sense, and you may be killed if her mood turn bad.

Actually, when I first saw her face, she had a gentle expression, but now it has changed.

Her face was laughing, but her eyes weren't.

It feels like magical power is gathering into that hands of her.

Hundreds of years ago, when she quarreled with another wiseman at a magic academy, she has the same look as now.

After that, she instantly killed a wise man who mocked her age in a front of whole audience during the conference. Well, maybe only a half-kill.

Of course, that became a big problem, and Shishō was disciplined for a year, the said wiseman couldn't even show up at the academy, and no one touched the matter about her age again.

The nickname of the blood-stained witch come from the bloodstain that was attached at that time.

'Not because I am a redhead' Is her usual joke, but anyway, it would be a wise choice not to mention her age.

To change the topic, I decided to show her my daughter.

Now, I would like to introduce my daughter to "maiden in the first flush of youth" which is my sister. Since Shishō is my sister, will that means you will be her aunt?"

Well now, she's a bit noisy about her age, but what about honorific name?

I was worried that she would get angry when she was called an "aunt," but it seemed to be a unnecessary concern.

"There are some aunts in the world who are younger than me. If I care about some honorific, small wrinkles will increase. Not that I have small wrinkles, though."

 She affirmed that and gave Fiona the privilege of calling her "Aunt".

I feel honored about that and whispered in Fiona's ear.

"Fiona. This person is my Shishō. Also she's a parent that raised me.

"Is she Daddy's mother?"

"She's more of an older sister than a mother, so call her Aunt."

When I said that, Fiona nodded, "Un," and said, "Nice to meet you, my Aunt!", Lifting the hem of the skirt and greeting.

Seeing that figure, Shishō raises a voice of praise.

"Hou, it's wonderful. Even though she grew up in the hand's of a man, but know the way of etiquette."

"I am sure she's imitating the children of the Otto's family."

Until a few weeks ago, she wasn't a daughter that would say greeting like this.

There wasn't an aristocratic daughter's like greeting like this, but a more straightforward, a childish child.

Perhaps if she hadn't stayed at the Otto's family, she would greet her more vigorously and jump into his Shishō's chest.

Well either way it's makes Shishō happy.

She walked up to Fiona and held her in her arms.

And position Fiona to sit on her right hand.

It seemed to be her own expression of affection, and she also seems to be inspecting Fiona.

"Hmmm, weighs around 17 kg. she looks like a 5-year-old child. "

After saying that Shishō turned to face me.

Then cast the [Telepathy] magic.

[I wonder if this girl is unaware of herself being a homunculus.]

[Of course. Or rather, I have to do so. I has no courage to reveal her birth secrets to her.]

[A wise choice. If you manage to hide it this far, then continue to do it. At least hide it until this child grows up.]

[I'm planning to do that. But...can this even child grow up?]

[What do you mean?]

[If you look at history, it seems that there are some mages like me who have succeeded in creating homunculus, but the homunculus that was born seems to be short-lived. Maybe this child too...]

[So you mean this child will follow the example of her predecessor. Well now, That's something unfathomable to me. but in the past, all the homunculus born were literally dwarfs in flasks. Most had a frail body that couldn't even get out of the flask. But what about this kid? The way she breathes in the outside air and has growth. I am not god so I don't know how long this kid will live, but at least we don't have to worried about today or tomorrow.]

[... I'm relieved that Shishō tells me that.]

She took a breath there and continued.

[And you seem to be worried about the growth rate of this girl, but the homunculus that appears in all the literature in the past is growing fast without exception. However, when they reaches a certain age, they seems to be at the same speed as humans.]

[I see, That's a relief.]

[It's trouble me if she die in a blink of an eye, even though my intimacy has sprung up.]

Declare Shishō so ironically, and lowered Fiona to the ground.

Canceling the [Telepathy] and switch to speaking normally.

"Ah, so heavy. At this rate, I can't freely hold her in the next few months. At least it's impossible for me as "maiden in the first flush of youth". Well, it's proof that she's growing up well."

After saying that, She spoke to Fiona.

"Fiona. I will have the maid prepare sweets. Is there anything you want to eat?"

Fiona answers cheerfully.

"I want to eat apple tart!"

"I see, I understand. Let's get it ready."

After Shishō said so, she called the maid and ordered her to make an apple tart.

Then look back towards Chloe and add:

"I'm going to talk to this foolish disciple. I don't want this girl hear it, so keep this girl away from this room."

Said Shishō with a dignified look and tone.

Chloe then bow down respectfully.

Chloe thinks that I and Shishō will talk about an important matter that will determine Fiona's future.

"Please leave it to me"

She bowed deeply.

Then Shishō says.

"People despise me as a blood-stained witch, but just now I became an aunt. I don't want to do anything that will make my niece sad."

When she affirmed that, she looked at me.

"And this foolish disciple will never take the option of making his daughter sad. Chloe, rest assured and accompany her to eat the apple tart."

She laughed, saying that this Seymour's apple tart is the best in the empire.

Chloe also smiles back.

"Then, let's steal the secret of the taste and give it to you someday as the second in the empire."

When she said so, she held Fiona's hand and headed for her guest room.

As I saw them gone, I sat down in a chair as recommended by Shishō.

A long discussion will start from now on. During that time, I couldn't feel the necessity of standing.

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Saikyou Kenja no Kosodate Nikki - Ch 9 part 2

Translated by : Gsekka


"Master, we can already see Seymour-sama's mansion."

A few weeks after we started our carriage trip, we finally reach our destination.

Even though it would be uncomfortable to ride in a cheap carriage like this, without saying any complain, my daughter continue the trip to this point.

Appearance wise. For  a 5-year-old Fiona, it must have been a difficult journey, but that's over now.

Without hesitating, I knock the door of my Shishō, Seymour's mansion.

Immediately, the maid who seems to be a servant of the mansion opened the door.

She has an unfamiliar face.

Well, the last time I met Seymour was decades ago.

Unless they belonged to an elf race, it was not strange that the last servant I saw had already passed on to that other world.

With that in mind, I was guided to my master's study.

On the way, I whisper so that only Chloe can hear it.

"If anything happen, take Fiona and escape immediately."

Chloe asked back with a suspicious face.

"I have no intention of rejecting Master's order, but does that mean Seymour-sama will betray us?"

"No way. I trust my Shishō. That person will never do that."


"That person is not always unbeatable. She may have been captured by the empire and the Holy Church because some unavoidable circumstances."

"No way. Is it possible to make that great sage to succumb?"

"It's possible, if the other five Great Sage become enemies of Shishō."

I said so, but I also added:

"Well, just be careful."

Saying so, I hit the maid's back.

"For heaven's sake, when people were in a responsible position, they would only imagine for the worst.

Just the other day, I vowed to become an optimist, but look what am I rushing to do?

The person I'm about to meet is the best wiseman I know.

A mage with the title of a great sage, who's only six people in the world――

Who's magic power is the strongest and the most crazy.

who's even if I do my best, I don't even know if I can hurt the tip of her nails, a very powerful person.

――And her personality is broken, weird and biased, but at least no individual can make his master to succumb in a legitimate way. No, it would be difficult even at the level of a nation.


Iris Seymour.

Current Age, 1200 Years old.

She is Miradin's blood-stained witch.

She is a woman with the nickname of the world's strongest witch.

She was like a sister to me and she was the most credible woman in the world.

She was the most respected woman in the world.

――But, no matter if there's a difference in ability, whatever I respect her or not, if she is someone harmful to Fiona, I was going to crush her mercilessly.

My daughter, Fiona is the most precious existence to me.

Saikyou Kenja no Kosodate Nikki - Ch 9 part 1

Part 2 will complete tonight

Translated by : Gsekka

We said goodbyes to the people of the Otto house.

"Due to various circumstances, I can't be a tutor of the Otto family."

After saying our refusal, I told them that we had to leave.

The Countess hung her head in disappointment.

"If I had been able to get a wise man like Kite-sama to teach my children, their standing would definitely have been as good as guaranteed."

I was happy she said it even if it just a flattery, but anyway, I say goodbye to the Otto house who had 

been taking care of us for the past few weeks.

When Chloe whips the carriage's horse, the carriage begins to move.

The people of the Otto house saw us off until the end.

They waved their hands until the carriage disappeared.

Fiona also screamed, "Let's meet again!" And waved until the mansion disappeared.

Seeing that figure, I said, "How surprising."

"What do you mean?" Chloe asks without turning around.

"No, I thought she'd be more selfish. like saying she want to stay more longer and live in that mansion."

When I say so, Fiona shakes her head.

Her blonde twintails sway.

"I'm not gonna say something selfish! Fiona'll be fine as long Daddy is here"

"Aren't you sad? You're parting with your first friends right?"

"If it's friend, I do have it"

Fiona points to Chloe as she says so.

"...Chloe being treated as a friend? I'd like you to call me a mom here."

Chloe pretended to cry, but Fiona ignored it and then took out the doll from her luggage. It's a bear doll. It's the so-called teddy bear.

"This child is also my friend!"

And she pushed her friend to me.

"Its name is Juno, so Daddy don't have to worry, because I have two friends."

"... I see. Fiona already has two friends."

When I said that, I lightly stroked Juno's head.

"If I can stay with Daddy, anywhere is fine. As long I have Daddy I don't need a mom. So Daddy, stay with me forever."

Fiona saying that, hugged me with Juno.

The warmth and scent peculiar to a small children was transmitted.

Maybe, Fiona had felt that from my expression, that right now,  we are in some sort of trouble.

Fiona is a clever child. 

She can read something from the slight changes in the the adult's expressions.

"Dear me, like this, I'm disqualified as a parent"

No...for causing a child to worry like this, he was disqualified as an adult before as a parent.

I mustn't cause my daughter to worry anymore than this. I decide to change my thought process.

I tried to think optimistically.

While hugging my daughter, I promised her.

"Daddy'll never leave Fiona's side until fiona become a bride."

"But Fiona going to be Daddy's wife, you know?"

"Then, we'll be together forever!"

I jokingly said that, then added strength on the arm hugging her.

"It hurts. Daddy, it's too strong!"

Fiona unusually raise a voice of complaint, but I didn't relax my strength and said-

"That's right. Daddy is strong. If the empire and the Holy Church folks make an advance on Fiona, I'll take full advantage of this strength to show them their place!"

My ability are endorsed by the great sage Seymour.

In the past, I was regarded as the best disciple and even regarded as a successor.

Although I never been selected as a great sage, Seymour has given me her seal of approval of being as powerful as a great sage.

To deprive a daughter from such a wiseman is impossible.

It would be possible to pressure people of the empire and Holy Church to think that way.

With that resolve, I embraced the most precious being in this world.